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The MAGU Recruiting Process

At MAGU, we want you to experience a fair and transparent application process – and to go home with new learnings from our encounter, regardless of the outcome of the application process.

Of course, the application process may vary slightly depending on the position, but all application processes follow this pattern:


We create comprehensive and detailed job descriptions that give a clear picture of how the role is designed and what skills and experience are required. From the job postings you can read the skillset you are looking for and compare it to your own profile.

Use the motivation letter as an opportunity to present relevant experiences and competencies and show yourself as a person – we want to get to know the authentic you and why exactly you are the right candidate for this job. Be as precise as possible and prioritize important information, because the cover letter should not be longer than 3/4 of a page.

Send your CV and letter of motivation with reference to the respective job posting to We also welcome a speculative application from you – perhaps what you are looking for will match what we are looking for!


Normally, the job postings do not have a specific deadline, as we screen and evaluate the incoming applications on an ongoing basis. So if an open position interests you, send us your application as soon as possible – we look forward to hearing from you. Once we receive your application, the HR team will screen your CV and motivation letter. If we think you could be a good fit, your application will be forwarded to the relevant manager.

Together we then evaluate the best applications and decide on candidates to invite for interviews. In HR, confidentiality is the top priority – all applications are handled confidentially and with respect. We also emphasize diversity and inclusion throughout the entire recruiting process, because we are convinced of their importance for our society as well as for our company. All employees are regularly sensitized to avoid the reproduction of stereotypical gender roles and to ensure as neutral and open an attitude as possible.


An interview is always a chance to get to know each other: the interview allows us to get to know you as a person and to find out more about your experiences and competencies; but the interview also gives you a first insight into our MAGUversum, so that you too can consider whether MAGU is the right place for your professional development.

The regular assessment process consists of the following steps:

  • Short telephone interview with recruiter
    The first step is a short Skype interview with a recruiter, where we focus on getting to know each other and on a general assessment. We ask you some questions about your previous experience and your motivation for the position. Additionally, we want to find out if there is a «match» between your expectations and the advertised position.
    All you need is a quiet place for 30 minutes, a PC with a camera or even a smartphone. A video interview can seem intimidating at first, but hey – see it as an opportunity to show more of yourself and also to see our faces.
  • Personal interview with your future manager
    The second interview takes place in person and usually lasts 1 to 1.5 hours. Here you will meet your potential manager for the first time; depending on the position, a recruiter may also be present at the interview. In this interview, we would like to get to know you and your qualification profile in more detail, because: your strengths and competencies will significantly shape and contribute to the role. In addition, you will have the opportunity to clarify open questions and get a concrete picture of what your daily work at MAGU could look like.

Depending on the position, the recruiting process may differ slightly from the standard case drawn above.


Wenn wir uns für dich entscheiden, wirst du direkt von deiner zukünftigen Führungskraft kontaktiert – sie präsentiert dir das finale Job-Angebot und klärt letzte organisatorische Details. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit dir setzt im Anschluss das HR-Team deinen Dienstvertrag auf, den es von beiden Seiten zu unterzeichnen gilt. Selbst wenn es dieses Mal nicht klappen sollte, wirst du zeitnah informiert und erhältst Feedback (ab der Teilnahme an Interviews).

At this point, we are happy to welcome you to our MAGU family and together we will design your individual onboarding process. This includes getting to know the team, setting up all IT structures and a wide-ranging introduction to your area of responsibility, so that you have the best possible start at MAGU.

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By sending us your e-mail address, you agree that we may use your personal information and data for the sole purpose of sending you information about job vacancies, in compliance with the legal provisions. Your consent can be revoked in writing at any time.

You can find all information about our privacy policy here.

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