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On our press page you can find a selection of international medias & podcasts in which we have appeared. If you feel like writing about us or have a question for us, please contact us at We look forward to hearing from you! If you want to read what we write ourselves, check out our blog.

What newspapers say about us…

“Of course, we see the necessity of regulating CBD, especially regarding youth and consumer protection as well as long-needed quality standards. The whole CBD industry of Austria is agreeing on those points,” she added.

“But following the advice of the food authority to switch sales to ‘aroma products’ would make us seem noncredible. We want to continue selling certified and tested products for human consumption, prioritizing the safety of our clients.”

En Viena se puede comprar marihuana legal: Una tienda vende cogollos de cannabis con una cantidad tan escasa de su principio psicoactivo que no infringe la ley. Y lo hace con tanto éxito que casi siempre están agotados.

Un goteo continuo de clientes llega a la tienda, algunos de ellos con cierta inseguridad, como una mujer de 74 años que cuenta que la envió su médico para comprar un aceite de cannabis.

“Tengo problemas de sueño por una sensibilidad nerviosa y parece que viene bien”, asegura esta mujer…

What we say in Podcasts..

Professionally Cannabis

Sofie talks to the British-US podcast “Professionally Cannabis” about the maze of legal regulations in Austria and Europe, why there are so few female executives in the cannabis business, and how things actually look in Austria in this regard.

Disclaimer: CBD products are not medications and cannot diagnose, treat or cure disease. Always consult your own physician before starting any new diet program.