What is H4-CBD?

Hanfblüte H4-CBD

Did you hear about H4-CBD for the first time today and are now wondering what it is? Don’t worry, we won’t leave you in the dark. In this blog article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about it.

What is H4-CBD?

H4-CBD is the short form of hexahydrocannabidiol and is not to be confused with hexahydrocannabinol (HHC). The cannabinoid was first synthesized in 1940. It is produced by a chemical process (hydrogenation) in which four hydrogen atoms are attached to a CBD molecule

What is its effect?

The exact effects of H4-CBD are still largely unknown. Field reports show that Hexahydrocannabidiol has a similar effect to CBD. Initial tests internally show that it acts on CBD1 receptors and relaxes the body very strongly.

The exciting question remains whether it is legal at all. According to current knowledge, H4-CBD is not illegal. However, the molecules show great similarities to HHC, which has been banned in Austria since 23.03.2023.

What is the difference between CBD and H4-CBD?

As the name suggests, the two cannabinoids are very similar, but not the same. CBD and H4-CBD are said to have different effects. They are similar in structure, but the active center is hydrogenated. Therefore, it can be assumed that the effects are also different. 

Interest in this particular cannabinoid is very high, but studies and knowledge are still scarce. Hexahydrocannabidiol is said to be 100 times more potent than CBD. One study found that the hydrogenated form of CBD has a high affinity for CB1 receptors in the brain. Almost as similar as THC. What is exciting, however, is that pure CBD acts almost exclusively on CB2 receptors, but hardly at all on CB1 receptors.

Everything you need to know about the new cannabinoid H4-CBD, we have now explained in the blog article. If you are looking for high-quality CBD products, then browse through our product variety.