Wir erzählen, wie „Adieu Muskelkater!“ und „Hallo CBD!“ deine neuen Lieblingssätze werden, und wie CBD nach dem Sport deine Regenerationsphase verkürzen kann.
Let‘s talk about CBD and SEX, baby! CBD entspannt, das wissen wir. Aber entspannt es so sehr, dass wir dann im Endeffekt keine Lust mehr auf Sex haben, oder trägt CBD gar zur Steigerung des Lustempfindens bei?
What about when one consumes CBD and alcohol at the same time? Is there an interaction? Do the substances reinforce each other? And can CBD possibly help to reduce alcohol consumption? Find out here!
Today we want to guide you a little bit through our assortment and give you a little help how to find the right CBD product for you, your grandparents or neighbors… 😉
Today we’ll tell you everything you need to know about CBD & sports. No matter if you are a professional athlete or just like to move.
Disclaimer: CBD products are not medications and cannot diagnose, treat or cure disease. Always consult your own physician before starting any new diet program.